Pune: Army Institute of Technology (AIT) Pune celebrated its 30th Foundation Day on 19th Feb 2024. Lt. Gen. A. K. Ramesh, Commandant CME was the Chief Guest. Padma Vibhushan Dr. Anil Kakodkar, a renowned nuclear scientist of India & former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission of India was the Guest of Honour and was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award. The Young Entrepreneur Award was given to Ankush Tiwari, an alumnus of the AIT 2002 batch, stated a press release.
COAS All-Round Student Rolling Trophy won by Bhavana Nimgadda, BE (Comp). GOC-in-C Award given for 1st in the merit of BE Girl students in all four branches. G Rajshekhar Memorial Trophy for Best Sportsperson was presented to Vikrant Kumar BE (E&TC- A). Other Awards presented include Best Teacher-Dr Ashwini Sapkal, IT dept. Best Research and Consultancy Award-Prof Sita Yadav, Comp dept. Best Technical Staff Award- Mr Pravin Sangle, E&TC dept. Best Administrative Staff Award-Mr C. Nagraj Reddy, TPO office.
Chairman of AIT Maj. Gen. TS Bains, Director of AIT Brig Abhay Bhat (Rted), Joint Director Col. MK Prasad, and Principal Dr. B. P. Patil were present on the occasion. The celebration showcased AIT Pune’s commitment to fostering a culture of academic excellence, innovation research, and holistic development. The institution takes pride in its enduring legacy of shaping the minds of tomorrow and contributing to the advancement of society through education and innovation.
Dr. Anil Kakodkar emphasized that for the country to become a superpower, leadership in scientific research and technology is a must. He emphasized that technology should not increase disparity. It should empower all and exploit none. He mentioned that he was brought up under the influence of Gandhian Philosophy. Mahatma Gandhi was not against technology but was against the exploitative aspect of technology.
India is one of the few countries that has learned the various aspects of modern technology, can bring in deep technology, and give a distinct advantage for the country, he added. In continuation, he stated that AIT is a unique institute in the academic landscape, for the students who come from Army backgrounds. They have professionalism and patriotism in their genes.
Chief Guest Lt Gen AK Ramesh, Commandant, College of Military Engineering highlighted that as future engineers, AIT students have a big role in nation-building. India stands at a crucial juncture in its journey towards becoming a global economic powerhouse. With a burgeoning young population, rapid urbanization, and technological advancements, the opportunities for growth and innovation are boundless. However, to harness this potential, we need to work on Aatam Nirbhar’s skills and make our nation strong.
As young engineers, you are the torchbearers of this progress, entrusted with the responsibility of driving innovation, fostering development, and solving the complex challenges that lie ahead, he added.
Brig. Abhay Bhat gave the opening remarks. The Chairman AIT Maj Gen TS Bains delivered the vote of thanks. Diksha Singh & Aniket Digole compared the program. The function continued after a tea break during which various other awards were presented by chairman AIT. Various sponsored scholarships were also awarded by respective sponsors.